Day #6 - Variables and Data Types

Day #6 - Variables and Data Types


Hello and welcome to my new blog post. On day 6 of my python coding journey, I learned about Variables and Datatypes. I also learned about 5 different datatypes and wrote some code.

So let's get started......

What is a Variable?

From the above analogy, I hope you can guess what a variable is.

The variable is like a container that holds data. Creating a variable means that you are creating a placeholder in the memory of the computer and assigning it some value.

For example -

a = 1
b = True
c = "Chintan Jain"
d = None

This means storing 1 in my computer memory or RAM and give the address of the storage location to "a".

In the above codebase, there are four variables viz- a,b,c,d and each of them stores some data.

What is DataType?

Data Type specifies the type of value the variable holds. Data type ensures that there is no error in the program and supports the proper functioning of the code.

DataTypes are categorised into 5 types below:-

  1. Numeric data - int type, float type, complex type

  2. Text data - Str type

  3. Boolean data - True, False

  4. Sequenced data - list, tuple

  5. Mapped data - dict type

In python, we can also print the type of any operator using type() function

a = 1
b = "1"

Numeric DataType

I learnt about 3 types of numeric datatypes i.e int, float and complex

Example -

  • int - 25,8,4

  • float - 1.23, 7.18, 99.9999

  • complex - 3+4i

Text DataType

Text datatype is a string variable. It stores characters or words or sentences

Example -

a = "Hello World"

b = "Python"

Note that the type of a, b is Str i.e string

When writing a string do ensure to write it in single ' ' or double quotes " ".

Boolean DataType

Boolean consists of True or False

Sequenced DataType

Sequenced data types are list and tuple

List - A list is an ordered collection of data with elements separated by a comma and enclosed within square brackets.

Lists are mutable and can be modified after creation.

list1 = [8, 2.3, [-4, 5], ["apple", "banana"]]

[8, 2.3, [-4, 5], ['apple', 'banana']]

Tuple - A tuple is an ordered collection of data with elements separated by a comma and enclosed within parentheses.

Tuples are immutable and can not be modified after creation.

tuple1 = (("parrot", "sparrow"), ("Lion", "Tiger"))

(('parrot', 'sparrow'), ('Lion', 'Tiger'))

Mapped DataType

dict - A dictionary is an unordered collection of data containing a key: value pair. The key: value pairs are enclosed within curly brackets.

dict1 = {"name":"Anmol", "age":18, "canVote":True}

{'name': 'Anmol', 'age': 18, 'canVote': True}

NOTE - Do remember that everything in python is an object

Final code

i= 1
j= 1.1
a = complex(8, 2)
b = True
c = "Chintan"
d = None
a1 = 9
print(a + a1)
print("The type of i is ", type(i))  #type - int
print("The type of j is ", type(j))  #type - float
print("The type of a is ", type(a))  #type - complex
print("The type of b is ", type(b))  #type - boolean
print("The type of c is ", type(c))  #type - str
print("The type of d is : ",type(d))  #type - NoneType

list1 = [8, 2.3, [-4, 5], ["apple", "banana"]]
print(list1)   #list ordered collection of data

tuple1 = (("parrot", "sparrow"), ("Lion", "Tiger"))
print(tuple1)  #Just like list they are ordered collection of data except Tuples are immutable and can not be modified after they are created

dict1 = {"name":"Sakshi", "age":20, "canVote":True}
print(dict1) #dictionary is an unordered collection of data containing a key:value pair.



Resources Used


Thanks, guys for going through this blog post. I hope this post helps someone newbie like me and makes an impact in learning python. Building a solid foundation is very important when we learn something new. So now just building foundation and along the way hoping to build some super cool projects.

Thank you if you read this post and have found this useful.

So this is it for the BLOG post and Day #6 of Python.

See you in the next one.....

About Me

Hey Guys, I am Chintan Jain from CodeWithJain. I am a trader and content creator. I am also passionate about tech and hence wanted to explore the field of tech. I always wanted to learn to code so I watched many tutorials but procrastinated practising coding. To get into the habit of coding consistently I am starting to BLOG with HASHNODE on daily basis.

I will document my coding journey from scratch and share my daily learnings in a blog post on HASHNODE. I hope you all will enjoy my content and my coding journey.

So what are you waiting for, smash the FOLLOW and LIKE buttons and follow along my coding journey, a step to create more beautiful digital products and empower people.