9  Reasons to Learn Python Programming

9 Reasons to Learn Python Programming


Python is one of the most known Programming languages for its use case in many new-age technologies. It is one of the most simple, versatile and robust languages that can be used to create high-end applications using its bundle of libraries and frameworks. I have completed my 100 days of Python Coding Journey and upon research, I found many Applications of Python in the tech Industry.

In this Blog Post, I will cover the Top 9 Reasons to Learn Python Programming Language.

So let's get started......

9 - Reasons to Learn Python Programming

  1. Data Science - Python experience allows us to do a lot more than other Programming Languages such as create scripts, automate stuff, go into web development and so much more.

    The libraries and framework Python offers, like PyBrain, NumPy, and PyMySQL on AI, Data Science, and Machine learning, are one of the main reasons to Prefer Python over other languages.

  2. Machine Learning - Algorithms are becoming Sophisticated on a daily basis. This has led to the growth of machine learning in the last couple of years, and its rapidly changing environment. With several libraries and Frameworks Python makes it easy to play around in machine learning and build projects.

  3. Web Development - Python offers libraries such as Django and Flask that help in web development journey.

  4. Simplicity - Python being simple and easy to read makes it one of the single big reasons among beginners to learn Python.

  5. Libraries & FrameWorks - Python offers a huge amount of open-source libraries and frameworks to work and build various applications across multiple fields of technology.

  6. Multi-purpose - Due to the number of libraries and frameworks that Python provides, it serves as one of the best Programming languages to build multipurpose utilities across various segments of tech.

  7. Automation - Python provides the power to write scripts, and tools, and automate stuff.

  8. Jobs & Opportunities - Python being one of the easiest Programming languages and being Multipurpose in nature, it finds applications in many fields. This has led to an increase in job opportunities for Python developers.

  9. Community - Python being Open-Source offers a huge community of like-minded people that can help you learn the tech stack in a much more efficient and fast manner.


Many applications are being built on Python. Lots of big tech companies use Python in their tech stack. Due to the huge amount of its libraries and framework Python is being used in many open-source projects and is used in many advanced new-age technologies like Data Science, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Thank you if you read this post and have found this post useful. I hope you have joined me and are enjoying my magical journey of Python coding. This is it for this Blog Post.

See you in the next one.....

About Me

Hey Guys, I am Chintan Jain from CodeWithJain. I am a trader and content creator. I am also passionate about tech and hence wanted to explore the field of tech. I always wanted to learn to code so I watched many tutorials but procrastinated practicing coding. To get into the habit of coding consistently I am starting to BLOG with HASHNODE.

I will document my coding journey from scratch and share my daily learnings in a blog post on HASHNODE. I hope you all will enjoy my content and my coding journey.

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